
Sweet PDZ Granular

Available in a 40 lb. bag

Sweet PDZ is the leading stall/pen freshener on the market and is the odor control and deodorizer of choice for thousands of horse, pet and livestock owners. Sweet PDZ is an all-natural, non-hazardous and non-toxic mineral. It captures, neutralizes and eliminates harmful levels of ammonia and odors. Sweet PDZ is a far superior alternative to lime products for ammonia removal and moisture absorption. 

Granular: We introduced Granular Sweet PDZ as a result of some customers requesting a larger granule size. Many of these customers were using stall mats in their stalls, and they liked how the Granular product performed with their mats. Additionally, many customers liked the less dusty effect the Granular product offered when they applied it in their stalls. Some folks find that it flows more easily out of a cup or scoop when applying it, thus allowing for more efficient use of Sweet PDZ. 

Granular Sweet PDZ tends to be the preferred product for application in pet habitats, such as cat boxes, small animal habitats, bird cages and dog runs.
